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What to pack in your hospital bag for birth | The Checklist | Cushii

What to pack in your hospital bag for birth | The Checklist | Cushii

What to Pack in your Hospital Bag for Birth

The Handy Checklist for Expecting Mums

Once you’re at the pointy end of your pregnancy, there’s nothing more comforting than getting organised.

And packing your hospital bag for birth is one of the most satisfying things to tick off your long pre-baby list.

It signals that you’re about to have a bubba. And it’s incredibly reassuring to know that you’re ready for the big day.

To make this process as easy as possible, we’ve compiled a checklist that not only tells you what to pack in your hospital bag for birth, it also covers all the essentials for your support crew and the exciting trip home.

For You, Super Mum:

  • Your Medicare card (and private health insurance details, if applicable)
  • Relevant pathology reports
  • X-rays, ultrasounds and your antenatal card
  • Medications you might take regularly
  • Case for glasses or contact lenses
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone charger
  • Your favourite Spotify playlist for labour
  • A notepad to record any 3am thoughts or things to remember
  • Maternity bras (if you plan to breastfeed)
  • Plenty of undies
  • Breastfeeding-friendly tops
  • Breast pads
  • Comfy and loose-fitting pyjamas
  • Casual and comfy day clothes
  • Easy-to-wear shoes or slippers
  • Nipple cream
  • Maternity pads
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Makeup (when those visitors come knocking)
  • Hairbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Lip balm
  • Hair ties

The must-haves for your birth partner:

  • A spare outfit (in case labour takes longer)
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • A copy of your birth plan (if you choose to create one)
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone charger
  • A photo camera and camera charger (if you want to go professional)
  • A video camera and charger if you want to film the birth
  • The shortlist of people to notify once bub has arrived
  • Healthy snacks (for both of you)

The must-haves for baby and the trip home:

  • Baby’s first outfit and a warming blanket to transfer baby home
  • Newborn nappies to cover the ride home
  • A professionally-fitted newborn seat waiting in the car
  • Formula, bottles, accessories and sterilising equipment (if you plan to formula-feed)


Keep in mind that the quantities for each item on your checklist depends on the length of your hospital stay. If you’re planning to give birth in a public hospital then your stay is likely shorter than within the private hospital system.


With all that in mind, we recommend over-packing than being under-prepared.


Want the luxury of hands-free moments in the early days with your new bubba and beyond?

This is the must-have checklist to help you know what to pack in your hospital bag for birth

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